It has been too many weeks since my last entry, to be exact it's been a month and a half which is a major amount of time lacking in communicating with the blogging community and my readers. Forty nine days of endless travels between my personal habitation and my new 'high' end client who is benefiting from my personal attendant care. Seven weeks of personal and professional 'growing pains', meeting family members, overseeing the property, cooking, cleaning a four story house built in the early twenties, sleeping over and eventually relocating to the 'new neighborhood'.
In the last week and a half, we finally arrived at a mutual contractual agreement, which will benefit me quite well financially, should the contract be terminated. Let's face it, the man is in his early eighties, and anything could occur without a moment's notice! I mean, after all I'm giving up my personal life...(as if I had any) I must be protected financially. I have been involved with 'live-in' situations before, and when the wealthy no longer desire your services, for whatever reason, you are given the boot without any financial consideration, and you must vacate their premises immediately.......leaving you homeless. NOT this time, way!
So now I'm in the midst of placing my life on hold, packing up my apartment, securing storage space, booked a mover, and will be vacating my apartment, which has been a much needed security blanket on so many personal levels, as most of my readers have come to know. It is strange to be departing from a place that has been a dark, painful and yet comforting solace during the past year. Yet it is a much needed transition which takes me from a poverty stricken, violent laden, drunk and druggie hangout apartment complex, to a wonderful, peaceful, garden paradise, which is surrounded by posh estates, reeking of abundant wealth at the summit of Mount Royal. Talk about surrealism! Oy.......this is my present life circumstance.
Since I've been here, I've been quite 'manic' to say the least, I can't seem to settle down, possibly once everything is finalized and moved, I will settle in, and begin to be faithful in my blog writing and other creative activities. I also sense a design change will take place in my blog, with the appearance of photos that will showcase the wonderful surroundings I now find myself engrossed in. Almost as enchanting as my friend 'Klahanie' soothing, fairyland oasis. There is a lovely calming transition that is taking place, and a new mind set is developing, a healing, a stepping back from all the suffering I witnessed, and personally endured all those months living in my last abode.
I've experienced a personal victory in demanding my financial worth and receiving it! I'm experiencing transitions within transitions.....oy......stop the express train, I need a breather!!!!!!!! And to add to all of these life changes, I just entered my 60th year.... talk about a MAJOR transition! When did all this happen? It's as if is saying to me mockingly "SURPRISE"!
Well I'm going to YELL back "SURPRISE" YOURSELF and keep on walkin' 'cause my ears ain't goin' to be listenin',la,!